Tuesday, June 26, 2012


DROP:  Let’s do it together. Let’s drop our armor and be vulnerable. Take the steps to begin to drop  those defenses and shields that block everything out. Drop those pretenses and keep it real!! When you  feel it and you are ready drop your brow, shoulders, and drop to your knees from exhaustion. Be prepared to let go and ask for help because you never know what….or who…. will be willing to drop with you.

Monday, June 25, 2012

To judge someone who has never judged you, but has always been there for you, is definitely a bad judgment call -ChyVaughn

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Worth more

A picture's worth a thousand words but integrity, reliability, and being present is worth more -ChyVaughn

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thank You for visiting my blog. I would like to apologize for not keeping it up to date. I have been overwhelmed with my thoughts & somewhat uninspired to post for several months. I have several writings saved to draft so I will be filtering through posting some of them over the next few weeks. I appreciate your support & understanding.

             I suppose sometimes there is no inspiration for the inspiring.... -ChyVaughn

Monday, June 18, 2012

R. Kelly - It's Your Birthday

Goals are not reached without desire and desires are better obtained with inspiration -ChyVaughn