Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today I am continuing a journey of sorts. I am traveling to places in my mind. I am stopping at destinations that have me needlessly pondering for too long or using energy that should be stored up for better usage. I am hitting the DELETE BUTTON. I am re-confirming the elimination of life’s unnecessary elements. You know like applications that don’t allow us to apply life’s skills or adhere to our process.
We can “follow” the basics of moderation and live without endless live journaling, via web or face to face. So follow me….subliminally??, possibly, but I promise it’s safe. Stop consistently spending money you’re not making by making people rich because you’re “following” what they say as opposed to doing what they do.
Think back to a time when you didn’t have more than 1 email address or email subscriptions used as prescriptions to endless accounts that have no real accountability, twitter tweets & Tumblr’s spiraling us down to a sites we remain on for so long that we don’t even remember the task we logged on for in the first place, socially networking with 782 “friends”, spending 126 seconds typing a message, 24 seconds editing it, 8 seconds reading it, 6 seconds re-reading it to assure it’s typographically correct & another 3.5 seconds deleting it because you realized you don’t really know this person well enough to leave the comment that you so diligently thought of....Oh and sorry by the way, 778 of them won't be there in your time of need, 1 of them will tell you they will always be there for you, but will be a no call/no show, 2 of them live to far away so they assume a phone call won't be sufficient….so, which one are you left with?? Don’t ponder on that too long either [DEL]….
Divert your senses from stumble(ing)upon match made interest but when asked what your interest are you’re uncertain unless there are boxes to be checked, socially vibing with people that have social anxiety, texting false hoods to hopeful souls, saving messages that hold no message at all.
STOP.... carpal tunneling your way into my space. You are slowing down your process and making no progress at all. I don’t have a need to speak to you by phone, use code words to text you, constantly update & link you into my brain's network of Linkedin processes especially since you aren’t even a business professional. {I respectfully decline your request to move me backwards.} I don’t have to explain to you why I haven’t updated my face book before I have even washed my face. [DEL]

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