Monday, January 10, 2011


It’s ironic sometimes the things that motivate you. "Marsol" called this morning & he stated how he went grocery shopping yesterday. Now this may seem like no big feat to some of us but you see "Marsol" purchases food from a local vendor everyday. He thinks that it's no big deal because he only spends about $5.00 a day. Now when I calculated it for him I said: $5.00 a day, $25.00 a week, $100.00 a month, $1200.00 a year!! Wow jaw dropping....It sounds a lot different when you really break it down now doesn’t it?? Well, he spent about $7.00 & can eat for a week. That excites me!!!! This possibly may deserve a care package of breads & bagels!! I was incredibly proud of him for this accomplishment. After returning home from dropping my son off at school I had planned on going back to bed & sulking over the plight in my life instead of focusing what energy I do have on accomplishing a few of the task I have been procrastinating about. I am proud to report that I was able to get several things done around the house. HoOrRaAy for MOTIVATION....small steps lead to IMMENSE FULFILLMENT.

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